Home General Communications

General Communications

Building your relationship with the public

Special purpose districts need immediate communication, resident support, and community education; you can’t do that with just a newsletter, or posted signs, or even a static website.

Communication is a building block of communities, and special purpose districts are created to serve communities. When residents can receive updates from service providers to their phone in an instant, and local disasters are live streamed on social media, older methods of communication no longer apply.

Every good communication strategy begins with a communications plan. This plan should outline how best to reach your residents. Every resident is different, and a comprehensive approach can include printed materials, text and email updates, social media posts, and a website to point residents to as the source of the information they need. Your message is our priority, and your good stewardship is paramount to our strategy.

Touchstone facilitates the methods your District and its consultants will use to engage your residents with the information necessary to foster ongoing trust with, and transparency from, the Board. By establishing the good faith with your community in the quiet times, you will have earned their trust when an emergency arises.

It is important to get your story out first and best, and Touchstone would love to help. Contact us today for a communications consultation.

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If you're not telling your story, someone else is.

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